Texas Hill Country Invitational
On October 19th,
20th and 21st, the Boerne Professional Artist association (BPA) in
collaboration with the Boerne Convention Bureau and the city of Boerne will host the annual Texas Hill Country
Invitational at the Cana Ballroom of St.
Peter’s Church, 202 W. Kronkosky
St., Boerne, TX
78006. The
exhibition will be open Friday from 5 pm – 9 pm, Saturday 9 am – 5 pm, and
Sunday 12 pm – 5 pm.
Spotlighting 40 plus regional artists, a quick draw art contest, a paint-out
with artists painting throughout Boerne, a special Friday VIP preview night,
art demos and artist lectures, a silent auction, breakfast with artists, and
other events and prizes; this unique art event has something for everyone.
With previous public turn-outs in the hundreds, the Hill Country Invitational
has continually grown in reputation and population as the quality of art and
artists continually spotlights Boerne as an artistic leader in the National
consciousness of Texas Hill Country art identity.
The Friday night VIP opening events and preview party is a ticket only
event. Tickets can be purchased for $25.00 through the Boerne
Professional Artist association at www.boerneprofessionalartists.com or by
calling 210-274-5223. Tickets can also be purchases at the following
locations: J.R. Mooney Galleries for Fine Arts 305 S. Main Boerne, Texas 78006,
(830) 816-5106; Carriage House Gallery 110 Rosewood in Boerne, Texas 78006,
(830) 248-1184; and the Highland House Gallery 14 E. Highland Dr. Boerne,
Texas 78006 (830) 249-8678.
So be sure to mark your calendars to attend this unique art experience at the Texas
Hill Country Invitational at St. Peters Catholic Church on October 19th,
20th, and 21st as Boerne’s art community comes together for an artistic
amalgamation of significant proportions.
For more information about the Texas Hill Country Invitational go
to www.boerneprofessionalartists.com or call the Boerne Professional Artist
association at (210) 274-5223.