– “Family Fun Found in Community,
Commerce, and Culture”
-San Antonio, Gabriel Diego Delgado
May 17 - 19, Boerne,
Texas will continue one of their
newest festival traditions –“BoerneFest”.
In its second year, Best of BOERNEFEST: BLOCK PARTY 2013 is a fabulously
family-friendly weekend, all centered on Boerne’s downtown Main Plaza Square. Art exhibitions, free concerts, local
vendors, local commerce, a farmer’s market, an “Art Waddle” art/craft walk,
kids events and activities, and much more awaits you at this unique three days
of family fun in Historic Boerne.
Best of BOERNEFEST: BLOCK PARTY 2013, “is essentially a
collaboration of four entities, the Greater Boerne Area Chamber of Commerce,
the City of Boerne, Hill Country Mile, and the Hill Country Council of Arts”,
says HCC President, Doris Perez. “It is
a way to showcase all the arts of our area”, she adds. In addition to all the
visual arts and wares for sale there will be three different stages that will
showcase free performances ranging from high school theatricals to regional
choirs, to Community Theater, to well known country bands like Two Tons of Steel and Gary P. Nunn.
“It is a wonderful reason to come and experience what Boerne
has to offer”, states Perez.
At 7 pm Friday, Two Tons of Steel”, a rockabilly/country
band will be performing on the Main Stage as part of the Best of BOERNEFEST:
BLOCK PARTY 2013 Outdoor Free Concert
Series…. in addition to music, all the
vendors, food trucks, local commerce tables, sales of beer and wine continues
all weekend”.
For Best of BOERNEFEST: BLOCK PARTY 2013, Saturday is all
about the Arts. “Previous year’s
BoerneFest focus was on the Heart of Boerne and Currey Creek trails and the
river expansion projects”, said Donald Darst, President of Boerne Professional
Artists. “However as the festival gets bigger we are able to add more and more
vendors, events, and artists to help make the weekend more successful…This is
the first time BoerneFest is doing an art show”, he gladly emphasizes. “With
this year’s theme of Community, Commerce, and Culture, BPA is collaborating
with the HCC to exhibit high quality fine art by regional visual artists
showcasing artwork done in acrylics, oils and watercolors, pottery, jewelry,
woodcarvings and more; all of which are available for sale and purchase during
this wonderful event”, Darst adds.
BPA wants to keep the art synergy going in Boerne, having
just ended another successful run with their annual Parade of Artists weekend
in April. “Boosting over 35 fine artists,
the BoerneFest Art show is an event not to be missed”, Darst closes. The BPA
sponsored art sale will begin at 10 am
to 5 pm on Saturday
May 18, 2013 at Waterworks Terrace- 100 N. Main behind Main Plaza- Look for the white tents.
On Saturday May 18th
the Farmers Market at the Cibilo will
set up produce starting at 8:30 am till 12:30 pm at the Plaza Square. At 10 am – 2 pm there will
be “Art on the Plaza”, a kid’s art area sponsored by the HCC and the Cibilo
Nature Center- a “make and take” art experience for elementary through high
school age children. Each art station will be guided by local artists at
different art tables. Plus, on Saturday from
10 am to 2 pm an eclectic array of artists will be giving demonstrations of
various art making methods; from Plein Air painting to textile looming to other
Fine Art techniques at the Main
Square Plaza.
Rounding out the art events is a themed venture titled: “Donation/Creation”.
Doris Perez says, “This idea has been initiated by the HCC and several local
nonprofits…throughout the Boerne business community companies are setting up
donation stations in their stores and corporations; asking for donations for
various pre-selected items: canned food items , pet food, school supplies, and
baby items. Each creation station at Best
of BOERNEFEST: BLOCK PARTY 2013 will have local business employees / volunteers
partnering with the public to build sculptures made from these donations. At the
end of the day the volunteers and employees will disassemble the art and donate
the items to the relevant social services and community based entities.”
In addition to the Fine Art Sale by BPA on Saturday, the HCC
has partnered with other residents in the City of Boerne for a Sunday Art
venture; having curated an art walk dubbed “The Art Waddle”- a reference to the infamous ducks that have
become the signature fowl for the Boerne river walk, says Perez. The “Waddle”
will start on Sunday May 19th at 204 W. San Antonio St. in the “Flats”
subdivision on the other side of the creek opposite of Waterworks Terrace at 10
am and will continue till 4 pm, allowing festival goers to meander along a
predestined walk-able route. Local
crafters, artisans and artists will be selling their wares in a yard-sale
format with areas designated and identified by lawn signs bearing the
“waddling” Duck.
Sunday will also emphasize the “Community” with a special
focus on the many facets of the Faith-based population in the Boerne Area. From
12 noon till 5 pm local churches and organizations will be performing on the
three stages to perform various religious hymns and spiritual music
numbers. Highlights of Sunday’s church performances
will include an 85 person choir on the Main Stage.
Be sure to mark your calendars for a
great weekend of Community, Commerce, and Culture in Historic Boerne, TX with
BOERNEFEST: BLOCK PARTY 2013 on May 17 – 19, 2013. Come on out and see why
BOERNEFEST demonstrates why Boerne holds the title of the 4th Best Small Town in America.
©Gabriel Diego Delgado