This large majestic oil painting features a Native American
warrior sitting on his white steed. The horse stands in shallow water and in
the background is the warrior’s village. He wears a halo war bonnet or
headdress. These headpieces were originally worn by Plains Indian men who had
earned a place of respect in their tribe. The headdress was worn only for
special occasions and was a display of courage and honor. They were and still
are made of golden eagle feathers and are sometimes painted red to commemorate
certain events. To obtain the feathers the men would climb into the golden
eagle’s nests and pluck them from the young. Today, in the United States, only
enrolled members of a tribe may legally possess eagle feathers as the species
is protected. In the past, each feather was earned, either in battle or for a
good deed. If the warrior acquired enough feathers one of his family members
would sew together the headdress. The warrior had to have the permission of the
chief to wear it and only few were awarded this high honor, as a man may
collect only two or three eagle feathers during his entire life.
Since the halo war bonnet was worn only during special
occasions and by special people, it is likely this warrior is reflecting upon
his life while on his way to a ceremony or other tribal event. His headdress
has much red painted into it, indicating that he has a lengthy history of
heroic deeds. The fact that his horse is white is a symbol of his good character.
Together, their physical reflection in the water visually symbolizes personal
reflection. The headdress he wears is a testament to the deeds and achievements
that created his legacy. He stands erect, alert in front of his village, still
the protector. He has fought hard, hunted and worked his entire life to keep his
people safe and prosperous as is indicated by the headdress. Now, he takes a
moment for silent, proud reflection.
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210 828 8214 San Antonio, TX Location
830 816 5706 Boerne, TX Location